Just Keep Holding On.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A hole in my heart.

A month ago was the worst day of my life. As time moves forward life gets more bearable, but there is a piece of my heart in the shape of my son that only he could fill. I don't really know what to look forward to anymore. All I can do is move forward, each day, little by little. I wonder how I will ever just be ok, or content, or anything other than empty. And so it goes, so life goes on. It seems wrong for it to do so, how is the world ok when a baby dies, or when a child dies, or anyone really. We all die, but how can it be ok for someone to die when they haven't had the chance to live? At least he will never have to endure the things people go through that makes them want to die..I wish I could just see him in heaven, if just for a moment, to know he is ok.

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