Just Keep Holding On.

Monday, November 12, 2012

It's no secret

So, I realized it had been months since I have posted. Honestly, I had been changing so much and so quickly it was kind of pointless to post. I can catch up on some things that have gone on since May...since this deployment is almost over..I guess it's time :)

yup, this would probably be the biggest, and most obvious change since this deployment began.

Everyone asks me how I did it and what I do..and folks, it's no secret. Diet and exercise. Yup. That's it. Although, I started out with hypothyroidism so I had to tweak my diet a little more than just a "normal" weight loss diet, because I was already doing most of the "tricks" people do but I had always done them. So, here is what I did..all out here for ya..no secrets here.

No sugar, period.
No extra salt, use pepper or garlic.
No preservatives.
Minimal dairy, couple times a week. Not daily.
Switched to almond milk, not soy or cows milk.
No fast food, period.
(at first) no bread, pasta, or rice.
I never drank soda, but still No soda. 
No butter, use olive oil

I ate: Chicken, protein powder/bars, atkins/south beach bars, lettuce, greek yogurt, fish, veggies (any and all), some fruits (not many, too much glucose)

Lots of water and coffee..yes coffee, no sugar of course (use stevia)

Workout: (daily in the beginning)
> Cardio..EVERY DAY for at least 20-30 minutes based on your heart rate, and MUST be dripping sweat in the first 7 minutes - until the very end. 
  - I started out slow and only did what I can BASED ON MY HEART RATE. I pushed myself     harder each time until I worked up to running and cycling (now).

> Weight Training
- ok, weight training IS IMPORTANT!!! FOR EVERYONE!!!! If you are a woman YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY!!! THAT IS BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to be a "body builder" man looking thing unless you take hormone injections, etc. Weight training SHAPES your body to what you want it. If you want a better butt, do squats...if you want better arms, do curls or dips. End of story. It burns more calories LONGER than cardio and makes you stronger and look a hell of a lot better than cardio alone will. CARDIO ALONE WILL NOT MAKE YOU LOOK TONED! IT ONLY MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A SMALLER VERSION OF WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE! DO WEIGHT TRAINING! 

anyway, I do different groups every day..if I did lower body one day, I'll do upper the next..and that's how my days go with that. I will lift until I absolutely CANNOT do another rep at the heaviest weight I can lift, curl, etc... I love my arms and my legs and my butt. I lost over 60 lbs though, so my stomach is still catching up. 

My diet still runs off the basis of the original, but since I have lost so much I am more about maintaining than losing. I eat out and order what I want on occasion. I still work out the same though. So far, it's working pretty well. :)

That's all there is to that.

As far as my mental/emotional journey..I can say I have never felt better. I still have my days where I mourn over my son but they go as quickly as they come, because I did the very best I could to come out of that depression. I won't go back. It does no good. 

I have made some great friends since I moved back to NC. As all relationships go though, it takes time to grow :) 

 my new friend, Savanna. I am very grateful for her friendship :)
I don't have any good pictures of my other friends, but I will soon I'm sure. 

not a new friend, but a good one :) Bayli and my god baby Em <3 

that is all for now. I may update this thing more often since it's not so depressing now. 
Oh, husband comes home SO SOON! We are almost in the single digits. I can't wait to have him home. I love that man more than anything <3

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration Britt keep up the good work and I'm super Vlad Adam is coming home soon . This has kicked my butt in gear I need to loose weight badly and kick my depression in the gut. So thank you sweet girl
