Just Keep Holding On.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

How far

Tomorrow marks 2 years of marriage for Adam and myself. Holy cow how many things we have gone through since we got married. I can't believe how far we've come and how we have made it through what most people would've never dreamt of. From losing a son, another miscarriage, two deployments (one short), and Adam losing his father to where we are now. No, things have never been easy, we are not perfectly fine, and we are not all better. But, in comparison to what could have been, we are the very best we can be and most people cannot say that for themselves after enduring less. I love my husband, I am beyond blessed to have such a strong and caring man by my side. I hope this next year brings us a little light instead of all the trials we have had to face. Anyone who reads this, I hope you have us in your prayers, because yea it may be a little selfish, but we would really like to bring some good things to our life. We would love to start a family and not worry about the outcome..we would like to be at peace for a least a little while. We have been strong enough long enough.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Trials in life, new beginnings

So, I am not really sure what brought me to decide I wanted a fur baby..but..I did..in about one hour after that decision I come home with a brand new baby kitty and named her Masey. She picked me, of course.
pretty girl.

after her first bath! she did so good :)

She is 12 weeks old and is 3lbs 5 ounces. She is perfectly healthy and loves to chase her tail and cuddle with mommy and daddy. I love this little girl. 
Also, Adam's coping with everything has actually gone well so far. I can't say for sure, but I know he is doing as well as he can be.
My grandmother, on the other hand, is not doing so well. Her kidneys were failing last Friday and she was in the hospital until yesterday. She is back at the nursing home and is stable again, but I am not sure how she will be in the next few days, weeks, or what. This is all happening so fast.
To bring a little light back into the post, I will post some pictures Adam and I have taken since he has been back. Yes, even more since the last post. Enjoy.

What is really awesome is Savanna's husband John, and Adam get along SO WELL! It just makes perfect sense since Savanna and I do. Let's just hope good things continue to happen so life isn't so troubling all the time for us anymore.
I do have to say though. I am very disappointed in a few people recently. To call someone selfish because they are happy their husband is home is a little more selfish than the accusation itself. I won't pretend my husband isn't home to satisfy you. You wouldn't. Plus, to be envious of that fact is kind of sick. My husbands father died. That is why he is home already. To be envious of a relative dying is sick. It still amazes me how "grown women" act more childish than my 14 year old sister and her peers.  It's a really sad world when people cannot even try to empathize or be happy for someone else. Sad.
No one knows another person's struggles. They may know of things going on, but they don't know everything. Take a moment and think about how you would feel knowing what you know. I bet you rarely do that, don't you?
I was always told to pray for your enemies, or people who claim others are "selfish" when it seems they are describing themselves.
Anyway, I normally wouldn't post anything like this. BUT. Adam and I think we are emotionally stable enough now to try to start a family, again. Don't ask questions unless I tell you. Once we begin this process again we will be taking every precaution to try and protect our hearts from hurting like we have. Just know if things happen and things go well everyone will know. And no, this is not an "I'm pregnant" post, because I am 100% not pregnant. 
all for now.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


I know others may be upset to see my husband home when their loved ones have yet to return, but the circumstance in which he was able to come home is not something to envy.

Adam's father, Cliff Patten, lost his battle with an illness last week.

Although I hadn't known Cliff very long, it was heartbreaking to see the boys so upset. I am proud of them for being so strong and taking care of arrangements as they have, though. Cliff is in a better place, free of pain and any suffering.

Also, yesterday was the anniversary of the day we lost our son a year ago. Quite honestly, with everything else going on, the pain wasn't as great as I thought it would be.

I vote November be taken off the calendar completely.

Anyway, let's bring some happier moments to this post..with pictures.

my boys

Christmas picture

my sweet husband


We are due to be back in NC by December 6. Adam hasn't seen the house yet so that is something to be excited for. I can't wait to see Savanna and Bayli and of course my god baby Em. I hope Adam will be ok after losing his dad, even though it will take time. He has been through enough in the last year. It's time for something good.